冀教版七下英语 第二单元寒假预习资料.docx

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冀教版七下英语 第二单元寒假预习资料.docx

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1、Unit 2 Its Show Time!Lesson 7 Whats Your Project about?1. Jenny and Danny talk about the trip and their projects.珍妮和丹尼谈论旅行和他们的项目。talk vi. 谈话;交谈注意talk是不及物动词,不可直接接东西,需要介词作为辅助。talk about + n. 谈论.的事情(about后面是聊天的话题) (1)They are talking about yesterdays movie.(2)What are you talking about?talk to + sb. 和某

2、人谈话(注意to是介词)介词to具有指向性,强调单方面有谈话需求,一方说另一方听,前面的主语是谈话的主动方。(1)Mr.Zhao wants to talk to his parents.(2)The teacher tells the boy not to talk to the girl in front of him all the time.talk with sb. 和某人谈话,互相聊天介词with接人时,有一种伴随某人,和某人共同做事的性质,这里强调互相交谈,你一句我一句的场面。Tom is talking with one of his friends on the phone

3、now.talk的多个介词,可以同时出现在一个句子中:He wants to talk to the boss about the salary.talk也可作为n.使用,和have组成词组:have a talk(注意have不要翻译成“有”)2. I slept for two full days.我睡了整整两天。sleep-slept-slept vi. 睡觉 for+一段时间,表达持续。前面搭配的动词必须是延续性动词(动作可以一直进行,区别于非延续性/短暂动词)。3. My project is about some places of interest in China.我的课题是关

4、于中国的一些名胜古迹。关于国外的作业类型project(课题):Project is bigger than regular homework. It requires more thinking and more research than the usual answering-the-questions homework.interest n. 兴趣;爱好;吸引力。词组places of interest 引申为“名胜古迹”,整体作为复数使用。表示“兴趣”这一概念使用时不可数,指具体的“兴趣爱好”时可数。(1) Interest is the best teacher.(2) He ha

5、s two interests.One is sports and the other is music.(3) She shows (a) great interest in science when she is young.词组“表现出兴趣”可配合不定冠词a使用,也可不加a。interest还有两种形容词的形式:interesting和interested.4. I still cant believe itthey dont have donuts on the Silk Road.我还是不敢相信他们在丝绸之路上没有甜甜圈。still adv. 还,仍然,仍旧肯定句时用于be后实前(副

6、词的标准位置),否定时放在dont, havent, didnt, cant 这些否定助动词/情态动词前。(1) Mum, Im still hungry!(2) He still lives in that house.(3) She still cant forget that teddy bear.still配合be动词,偶尔可以放be前表示加重语气。(1)It was, and still is, a great movie.(2)That story still is important to all the people in the world.表示“还不是”“还没有”时用也可以

7、用近义词yet(“还”常用于疑问和否定):(1)The meeting is not over yet.(2)The movie is not on yet.still常用于现在进行时,表示仍然在做某事。(1) The man is still looking for a job.(2) He is still doing that after three years.5. You can find donuts anywhere in Canada.你可以在加拿大的任何地方找到面包圈。anywhere adv. 在任何地方;在某个地方从两个角度去了解anywhere的用法:地点副词,放句子后

8、面作为状语,或放动词后面直接使用,且无需介词。(类似here, there, upstairs)go anywhere不定副词,因为没有明确指定是什么地方,没有具体说出地方的名字。所以用法上类似something“某物”等不定代词(七上U4L22),搭配形容词、介词短语、to do等修饰成分需要后置,但是往往会先翻译后面的修饰成分,在翻译时需要注意:anywhere else anywhere far anywhere in the world 扩充用法:any不一定只能用在疑否句中,肯定句中也可以用。anywhere在疑问句中翻译为“在某个地方”,因为是疑问,所以表示在不确定的某一个地方。(

9、1) Did you go anywhere interesting?(2) Does he have anywhere to live?但在肯定句和否定句中翻译为“在任何地方”,表示对所有地方的情况都进行了肯定或否定。(1)I cant find my book anywhere.(2)He is very rich. He can go anywhere in the world.结论:在疑问句中“在某个地方”在肯定句和否定句“在任何地方”以下这些不定/地点副词都遵循上述规则:anywhere, somewhere, nowhere, everywhere:somewhere “在某处”,

10、只能用于肯定句。(1) Lets go somewhere warm.(2) They live somewhere in France.nowhere 哪里都不,无处,没地方。(1) The room is full of boxes. There is nowhere for me to sit.(2) The thief had nowhere to run.everywhere 到处,所有地方,到哪里都.(1) Dont put your books everywhere.(2) The boy followed us everywhere.(3) Everywhere is full

11、 of people in the Great Wall.6. I am making a joke.我在开玩笑。joke n. 玩笑;笑话(可数)vi. 开玩笑make a joke 开玩笑 = play a joke (+on sb. 开某人的玩笑)= joke vi.tell a joke 讲笑话(1) Are you making a joke? = Are you joking?(2) He told many funny jokes.joker n. 爱开玩笑的人;活宝;(扑克牌的)王牌。7. Lets go to the library and work on our proje

12、cts.让我们去图书馆做我们的项目。work on 从事/做/致力于/研究.事情,根据具体搭配看情况翻译(不一定翻译成“在.上面工作”)。work on the car 修车work on the bridge 造桥work on the project 做课题项目Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road1. At the age of 17, he went to China.在他17岁的时候,他去了中国。age n. 年龄常用搭配:at the age of . 在(某人)多少岁的时候2. Together, they moved goods betwee

13、n Europe and Asia on the Silk Road.他们一起在丝绸之路上在欧洲和亚洲之间运送货物。together adv. 一起(方式状语提前,表强调)good n. 商品,货物(指用于运载的) 注意是可数名词,常用复数形式goods.You can buy our goods over the Internet.between 在两者之间在三者及以上之间:amongEurope n. 欧罗巴洲,简称欧洲 European 欧洲人/的 Asia n. 亚细亚洲,简称亚洲 Asian 亚洲人/的3. Their journey lasted about twenty year

14、s!他们旅行持续的大约20年!last vi. 持续 +时间(不需要for)注意last多义词:最后的/上一个How long will the storm last?4. These things were new to Marco Polo.这些对马可波罗来说都是新事物。词组:be new to sb. 某物对某人来说是新的/不熟悉/很新鲜。(侧重点放在介绍东西的情况)(1) Her name is new to me. (2) This job is new to me.人、物的位置倒过来,意思略微发生变化。(侧重点放在介绍人的情况刚来到,刚接触)sb. is new to sth 某人

15、对某物感到不熟悉(1)Im new to this town.(2)He is new to the country.对某人来说,用for强调主观性,针对性。用to强调客观性。It is good for your health.5. The Chinese discovered coal and invented paper.中国人发现了煤炭并发明了纸张。discover vt. 发现(规则动词,过去式直加ed)强调本来已经存在,之前没人知道,后来被首次发现,用于人、物、地点、活动和科学规律。(1) Columbus discovered America.(2) Scientists aro

16、und the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS.区别于find:多用于生活,强调偶然发现或寻找失去的东西。(1) I cant find my glasses.(2) She found a wallet on her way home.invent vt. 发明(规则动词,过去式直加ed)强调发明创造,创造出前所未有的事物。(1) Who invented mobile phone?(2) The Wright brothers invented the airplane.coal n.煤炭(不可数) paper n.纸(不可数)6

17、. He also brought a lot of silk, tea and other goods.他也带回来了许多丝绸、茶叶和其他的商品。other adj. 别的;其他的。other相关的用法非常多,也是考试重点,注意在理解的基础上记忆。包括以下形式:other、 others、 the other 、the othersother 别的. 其他的.一般不能单独使用,后面要加名词复数。这里other是形容词,没有限制范围(数词或定冠词the)。other可配合any使用:any other +名词复数“一些别的”“什么别的”。(1) Do you have any other ide

18、as?(2) He is the same as other students.any other还可以接名词单数,指不包括自己的情况,常用于比较级。others 另外的一些. 其他的一些.some和others都是列举其他的一些情况,没有全部说完。这里others作为名词出现,相当于上面用法中的other+名词复数:others = other things 合成了一个词。本身是复数。由于没有the,没有把整体一分为二,只是列举一些其他的情况。所以上图也适用于other+名词复数的情况。(类似形物代与名物代的关系 your things = yours )(1) Dont talk to o

19、thers in the exam.(others = other students)用others强调其他的几个人,不是全班的人。the other 另一个常用于句式:one.the other. 一个.另一个.必须要有限定范围:两个当中(可以在前文明确说出数字two,也可以暗含范围)。要注意理解:the other是把整体一分为二,说完一个再说剩余的另一个,之后就没有其他情况了。(1) I have two good friends. One is Jim, the other is Jack.(2) We defeated the other team in the football m

20、atch.有一个特殊搭配:the other day“几天前”用于一般过去时。the others 其余的另一些类似于others = other things, the others = the other things,用法相当于复数把东西加入the other成为一体,用于表示其他剩余的事物,是复数。对比理解:the other是把整体一分为二,the others也是把整体一分为二,分为两拨,说完一拨再把剩下的全部作为另一拨,说完之后也没有其他情况了。(但由于表示复数时通常会在前面说出名词,所以the others一般不会展开,因为重复出现名词会显得啰嗦)(1) There are m

21、any students in the language School. Some are French, the others are French.(2) He bought three school bags. One is red, the others are pink.结论:other +名词复数 “其他的一些”没有介绍完others = other things “其他的一些”没有介绍完the other “其余一个”介绍完了the others = the other things“其余一些”介绍完了回忆another的用法,考试中other常与another放一起考查。1)

22、范围较大或3 另一个2) 不强调范围的剩余情况:再一个 another one = one more(one可省略)3) 不强调范围的剩余情况:再多个 another two = two more(两种有细微的区别,another one可用于更换商品,one more可用于继续点商品)注意理解another只是列举一个,没有说完。总图:练习:选词填空(other、another、the other、others、the others),然后指出是图中的那种形式。1. Do you read any _ novels? 2. Would you like _ cup of tea? 3. Sh

23、e has two sons. One is in America, and_ lives with her. 4. Some like singing, _ prefer dancing.5. I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and_ is a worker.6. Two boys will go to the zoo and _ will stay at home.7. Put it in your _ hand. 8. He has two daughters. One is a nurse, _

24、is a worker.9. On _ side of the street,there is a tall tree. 10. Mary is much taller than _ girls. 11. He lives on_ side of the river. 12. Some of us like singing and dancing, _ go in for sports. 13. Give me some _, please. 14. There are no _. 15. Ask some_ people.16. I dont like this one. Please sh

25、ow me_. 17. Do you have any _ question(s)?18. Will you show me _?I dont like its colour.19. She has two computers. One is IBM PC 386 and _ is IBM PC 586.20. Tom runs faster than any _ student in his class.21. The students have English,Chinese,math,biology and many _ subjects.22. Why are only three o

26、f you here in the classroom?Where are_?23. My classmates come from different parts of the country. Some come from Shanghai, some from Tianjin and _ from Beijing.答案:1.other 2. Another 3.the other 4.others 5.Another 6.the others 7.other 8.the other 9.the other 10.the other11.the other 12.others 13.oth

27、ers 14.others 15.other16.another 17.other 18.another 19.the other 20.other21.other 22.the others 23.othersLesson 9 Dannys School Project1. For my project, I will describe some places and things from China.我将描述一些来自中国的地方和事物当做我的课题。这里for理解为“当做”,类似询问某顿饭吃什么,和颜色代表感情。describe vt. 描述 直接接宾语Can you describe yo

28、ur hometown?2. Just try your best.尽你所能。just adv. 只,就(表程度)词组try ones best (to do)尽某人最大的努力(去做某事)。注意try的后面是某人的ones.(1) You should take heart and try your best. (2) You should try your best to study English well. 3. People build them a long time ago.人们很久以前建造了它们。ago 多久之前,前面加一段时间,用于一般过去时(描述的是以前的情况,现在的情况不知

29、道)。注意区分点时间和段时间:点时间是某个时间点:last year, yesterday morning段时间是一段有长度的时间:two years, a few minutes,a long time(1) The letter came a few days ago.(2) He lived there many years ago.(3) This story happened long long ago.4. Can you tell us a little bit more, please?你能不能给我们多讲一点?a little bit 一点,修饰程度,整体相当于一个程度副词,修

30、饰形容词/副词的原级/比较级。(复习:a little与a bit在七上U3L15)a little a bit = a little bit (a bit little使用的比较少,可以记忆为:功能多的放前面使用)5. Its an important tool on the Silk Road.它是丝绸之路上的一种重要的工具。important adj. 重要的important有两个常见词组:be important to sb. 对某人来说很重要。介词to侧重于要表达后面的“人”的事情,文章说的也必定是关于“人”的事情而非“物”。(1) Friendship is important

31、to us.(2) Protecting the environment is very important to human beings.be important for sb. to do 做某事对某人很重要(介词for更强调表达后面的事情本身,判断方法可以看后面出现to do就要用for.)(1) It is important for us to keep healthy.(2) It is important for you to take care of yourself.6. It lives in the desert.它生活在沙漠中。desert n. 沙漠不可数名词,常配

32、合定冠词the使用。在沙漠要用介词in沙漠很大,沙漠中会被沙子包围。注意区分,这个词有两种读音,不同读音的词性也不同:dezt n.沙漠 重音在前面,e念作/e/dzt v.抛弃 重音在后面,e念作/形近词:dessert n. 甜点dzt 表示概念泛指时不可数,表示种类可数。注意多了一个s,发音和“抛弃”相同。7. Well done! 干得漂亮!= Good job.Lesson 10 Music and Dance1. Im still thinking about our trip to the Silk Road.我还在考虑我们丝绸之路的旅行。think about 思考(侧重于反思

33、);考虑(侧重于考虑一下)+n./doing(1) The days without cell phones made me think a lot about the life.(2) I will think about it later.(3) Think about it very carefully before you decide. think的其他词组think of 想起(想起);想出(出谋划策)(1) People will think of their hometowns when he they the moon.(2) He thought of a plan to

34、be rich.特殊句式:what do you think of. 你觉得.怎么样(询问意见)=how do you like.think over 反复思考;重新考虑;掂量。(注意代词只能放中间)= think about carefully(1) How often do you think over the problems in your study?(2) Have a good sleep and think it over.2. I realized many things.我意识到了好多事情。realize vt. 意识到(+n.或宾语从句);实现(梦想a dream)(1)

35、 I realized that it was wrong to say that.(2) How will you realize your dream?3. I cant wait to play music for all my friends.我迫不及待要给我所有的朋友演奏音乐了。cant wait to do 迫不及待做某事for 强调目的,演奏是为了朋友。4. Why dont you learn a traditional Chinese dance?你要不要学中国传统舞蹈怎么样?Why don you do.? 你做.事情怎么样?干嘛不.呢?= Why not do? 否定疑问

36、表示加强语气:提建议。(1) Why not write to her? (2) Why not throw a party for your friends? 5. Then we can take part in the Spring Festival show together.那么我们就能一起参加春节表演。take part in 参加活动/比赛 = join in(1) He got hurt and couldnt take part in the basketball match.(2) Ill take part in a social activity with my sis

37、ter.join +n. 加入组织(军队the army等)Lesson 11 Food in China1. Everything was greatespecially the food!一切都很棒尤其是食物。especially adv. 尤其是。用于强调某种特殊情况,后面可以直接接名词,介词短语或句子,跟前面的句子可以用逗号或破折号隔开。(1) The car is too small, especially if you have children.(2) Many teenagers will start to follow fashion, especially girls.(3

38、) His legs often hurt, especially in rainy days. adv. 特地的,常用于for(给)之前。(1) The girl made a gift especially for her mum.(2) Mum made a lot of meals especially for his birthday.两个比较像的词:special adj. 特殊的especially adv. 尤其是/特地的2. It takes a lot of work, but the end product is worth it.制作它要花很多工作,但是最后的产品是值得

39、这些工作的。product n. 产品(总称不可数,某事物的产物可数)worth adj. 值得的,有价值的通常在be动词后作表语,不能放名词前作定语。1)be worth doing 值得做某事(1) The book is worth reading.(2) That beautiful mountain is worth painting.2)be worth + n. 具有.的价值(+钱或事情)(1) This instrument is worth 1,000 yuan.(2) That restaurant is worth a return.(3) The end product

40、 is worth the work.worthy adj. 应得某事物;当之无愧的。可作表语和定语。常用于搭配:be worthy + sb./sth/doing 某人应得某物/配得上某人(1) She is a worthy champion.(2) He felt he wasnt worthy of her.(3) This teacher is worthy of respect.worthwhile adj. 值得的;重要的;值得花时间/钱的可作定语或表语。常用语句式:it is worthwhile to do/doing. 某事情值得做(主语不能是人,必须是it)(1) It

41、is worthwhile to study hard at school.(2) It is worthwhile to choose a good gift for your good friend.take vt. 花费(时间,或工作)(take-took-taken)主语一般是形式主语it(人作主语花时间是另一个词:spend)。It took sb. sth (to do) .做某事花费了某人(多少时间或工作)(1) It takes me half an hour to walk from my home to school.(2) It will take you six hou

42、rs to finish the work.花费钱要用cost,主语仍然是物。(cost-cost-cost)It/n. cost (sb.) +钱 (+to do).(1) This project will cost a lot of money.(2) This watch cost him 10 000 yuan.end adj. 最终的,最后的两个常见搭配:在最后in the end 在最后,终于(可单独用)in the end of. 在某物的最后部分,事情的结局部分。(强调事或物,是一个部分)at the end of . 在某时间的最后。(强调时间,不可省略of,是一个时间点)

43、(1) In the end, the mouse found the cheese.(2) In the end of the passage, he wrote down his name. (3)Students are hoping for holidays at the end of the term.3. They look good and taste great.它们看着不错而且尝起来很棒。look good 看起来好taste great 尝起来很棒感官动词:七上U2L10 U3L13都有出现。注意区分这些动词的不同用法:look vi. 实义动词 “看”(动作) 感官动词/

44、系动词 看起来 +adj. taste vt. 实义动词 “品尝”(动作)感官动词/系动词 尝起来 +adj.感官动词强调东西给人的感受,不强调具体动作。用法和系动词相同,后面要接形容词。常见感官动词还有:smell, feel, sound.感官用词常用于一般现在时,使用时注意三单。体会这些句子动词的词性:(1) He is looking out of the window in class.(2) The Beijing Duck looks good.(3) My mum asks me to taste the soup.(4) The apple tastes sweet.tast

45、y adj. 可口的,美味的4. I once had Beijing Duck in our city.我从前在我们城市吃过北京烤鸭。once adv. 曾经 时间副词,常用于一般过去时(但其他含义不都用于此时态),位于be后实前。(1) He once lived in the U.K.(2) This book was once famous.once的其他含义:一旦(连词);一次(两次是twice);立刻(at once)(1) He writes home once a week.(2) Once you know the meaning of this word, the question will be e




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